Enhanced Maternal & Child Health nurses working with families experiencing family violence
Catina Adams, Angela Taft, Leesa Hooker
Families living with a member with disability
Mabel Andalón, Neha Swami
Neurodisability among children crossing over between child protection and youth justice systems
Susan Baidawi
Volunteer Family Connect: A community-based response to supporting families experiencing social isolation
Kelly Baird, Rebekah Grace, Grainne O'Loughlin
Sites of social connection: Analysis of feedback from 47,000 Neighbourhood House participants.
Nicole Battle
Implementation process evaluation of the Future Proofing Study: Teacher perspectives
Joanne Beames
Exploring healthy eating influencers among new immigrant women in Ottawa
Divya Kanwar Bhati
Amplifying young voices: How UNICEF Australia is providing a platform for young people to become active stakeholders in national decision-making
Josh Brittain
Modelling the wellbeing of every New Zealand child over the life course
Bridget Browne, Abigail Marwick, Rosie Deutschle, Steve Murray
Implementation of evidence-based programs in an Australian place-based initiative
Fiona Burgemeister, Stacey Hokke, Sharinne Crawford
Simplifying the superannuation splitting system in Australia to improve greater access for women
Tania Clarke
The same and different – Evidence Based Practice in meeting the needs of disadvantaged families
Georgina Coase, Wendy Field, Annette Michaux
Parent Peer Support in child welfare: a family-inclusive practice
Jessica Cocks, Lou Johnston
What does permanency mean for young care leavers?
Amy Conley Wright, Susan Collings, Bobby Hendry
Mediating Social Drama: Results from Ethnographic Study of Family Dispute Resolution
Alexandra Crampton
Parenting in the age of social media: Opportunities or challenges?
Sharinne Crawford, Stacey Hokke, Amanda Cooklin
Indigenous family functioning and child global health outcomes
Laura Dunstan
Mindfulness based parenting programmes for improving psychosocial outcomes in children and their parents.
Rebecca Featherston
A Flexible Approach to Promoting Parental Mental Health
Rebecca Godwin
The self-as-mother in the preschool years: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis.
Lauren Hansen
Connectedness in Kinship vs. Foster Care
Alison Hassall, Elmie Janse van Rensburg, Sebastian Trew, David Hawes, Dave Pasalich
Improving social connectedness amongst men: Insights from 12 projects across 3 countries
Matt Healey, Dan Healy
How should we resolve our property dispute? Mediation, lawyers or court?
Genevieve Heard, Andrew Bickerdike
Identifying policy levers across early childhood education, health and welfare
Luke Hendrickson, Antonio Balaguer, Caroline Christenson
The Well-Being of Never-Married Adults in the Married Society: An Indonesian Perspective
Karel Himawan
The power of possibility: Transforming the life trajectories of care leavers through education
Joanna Humphries
‘Absent voices’ Family experiences of living with parental ‘difficult to treat’ epilepsy
Karen Hutchinson, Frances Rapport, Lukas Hofstaetter, Lisa Todd
Co-creating a family-focused service model for people living with younger onset dementia
Karen Hutchinson, Chris Roberts, Pamela Roach, Susan Kurrle
Practitioner experiences in working with clients affected by gambling-related domestic violence
Uma Jatkar
Characteristics of elder abuse within the family: A seven-year trend analysis of Seniors Rights Victoria data
Melanie Joosten
Contributory visas and assurances of support: Recently arrived older people and family conflict
Melanie Joosten, Carmela Quimbo
Family diaspora: Culturally responsive case management and counselling in their settlement journey
Kathy Karatasas, Justine Harris
Changing family and social relationships: Adolescents and young adult cancer survivors’ perspectives
Theophila Hayes, Ursula M. Sansom-Daly, Lauren Kelada
Long-term impacts of childhood cancer on mothers’ careers
Lauren Kelada, Claire E. Wakefield, Janine Vetsch
Children's experience of agency in deciding post-separation agreements through the Family Court
Barbara Knight
‘Look after me too’: A qualitative exploration of the Adoptive Parent Experience (APEx)
Charmaine Kohn-Willbridge
The role of expert evidence in facilitating child participation in care and adoption matters
Pei Kong, Rita Shackel, Judith Cashmore, Amy Wright, Gary Banks
Establishing an evidence-base: A case study of The Benevolent Society’s Resilient Families Service
Claudia Lennon, Alanna Treadwell
Individual Relationships Counselling Effectiveness in an Australian Counselling Organisation
Aditi Lohan, Jemima Petch
Exploring the digital technology use among ethnic Chinese domestic violence survivors
Yee Man Louie
Using online learning to build confidence and capacity in mental health for family day care educators: RCT outcomes
Bronte Lyford, Zoi Triandafilidis, Sally Fitzpatrick
Teachers supporting young children experiencing parental separation and divorce: A Strengths Approach
Linda Mahony, Angela Fenton
ADF spouse employment: has anything changed in 30 years?
Amanda McCue, Sue Hamilton
Evaluating Respecting Sexual Safety – a sexual health and safety program for children and young people in out-of-home care
Gemma McKibbin, Ana Fried
Timing of health visits for Victorian children entering out-of-home care
Karen McLean, Harriet Hiscock, Dorothy Scott,, Sharon Goldfeld
Exploring the Credential for Strengths-based Family Workers and its Practical Application in the Field
Jennifer Miernicki-Nojunas
Social media use and mental health symptoms in early adolescence
Lisa Mundy, Louise Canterford, George Patton
“Everyone here is impacted by this!” Examining Labor Mobility and its Impact on Families and Communities in Atlantic Canada
Christina Murray, Doug Lionais
Effectiveness Outcomes for Young Children and Mothers in an Intensive Service for Vulnerable Families
Renee O'Donnell, Andrea Dunbar, Christine Sharman
Effectiveness of group music therapy to improve parent-child outcomes in vulnerable families
Julia Oreopoulos, Lorna Berry, Kate Williams, Cathy Nielson, Sally Savage
We Deserve: Family violence prevention with trans and gender diverse communities
Ellen Poyner
Collaborating for change: Implementing an evidence informed working with families practice framework
Meagan Probert
Youth participation: The value for individuals and organisations
Jade Purtell, Jenna Bollinger
Alcohol and other substance use among a cohort of male adults: Changes in consumption patterns and comparisons with national prevalence estimates
Brendan Quinn
Help-seeking among Iraqi and Afghan refugees
Pilar Rioseco
Young people’s perception of safety and their wellbeing
Douglas Russell, Daryl Higgins
What do children hope for when feeling unsafe in organisations?
Douglas Russell, Daryl Higgins
Infant Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence and Later Cognitive Functioning
Priscilla Savopoulos
What matters to people throughout the world and why should we care? A systematic review of participatory wellbeing frameworks
Kate Sollis
Listening to the voices of children and young people
Sharon Sparks
Pornography viewing patterns among Australian adolescents and associations with engaging in unwanted sexual behaviours
Neha Swami
Breaking intergenerational cycles of offending through improved family functioning – ground-breaking pilot
Sarah Talboys, Phyllis Meier
Better Futures and Homestretch: Supporting care leavers to transition to independent living
Lisa Thomson
Social Landlord: Improving outcomes for people in public housing
Lisa Thomson
Parenting challenges – What parents revealed and insights into appropriate support
Sebastian Trew, Daryl Higgins, Jacqui Stewart
Adolescent delinquent behaviour: Are predictors different for males and females?
Suzanne Vassallo, Diana Warren, Galina Daraganova, Constantine Gasser
Digital age parenting: Parents’ concerns about children’s use of electronic devices
Catherine Wade, Jan Matthews, Alex Almendingen
Exploring risk factors for family violence amongst LGBTIQ+ people in transition to parenthood.
Catherine Wilson
Weekend Work and Work-Family Conflict
Mark Wooden, Inga Laß
What makes a Good Dad? Family Violence intervention programs for fathers
Monique Yeoman, Fiona Edwards, Kristin Diemer
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