University of Sydney
I am a clinical psychologist with eight years of clinical experience, including private practice, community and school settings with children, adolescents, adults, and families with complex presentations. My clinical interests include working therapeutically with survivors of domestic and family violence. I have assisted a court appointed clinician Dr G. Banks conducting expert assessments related to family and children in legal proceedings since 2013.
I am currently a PhD candidate at the Sydney Law School, University of Sydney. My dissertation is investigating the efficacy of expert evidence in facilitating child participation in care and adoption proceedings in New South Wales, Australia. I am also assisting Professor Judith Cashmore, one of my research supervisors on a project reviewing the impact of Permanency Amendments on outcomes for children in care in Victoria. My research and career goals are to promote child participation and children’s rights within a social justice framework and contribute to law reform. I have presented my research at various state, national, and international conferences.
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