Parent Peer Support in child welfare: a family-inclusive practice
Jessica Cocks, Lou Johnston
Parenting in the age of social media: Opportunities or challenges?
Sharinne Crawford, Stacey Hokke, Amanda Cooklin
Mindfulness based parenting programmes for improving psychosocial outcomes in children and their parents.
Rebecca Featherston
A Flexible Approach to Promoting Parental Mental Health
Rebecca Godwin
The self-as-mother in the preschool years: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis.
Lauren Hansen
‘Absent voices’ Family experiences of living with parental ‘difficult to treat’ epilepsy
Karen Hutchinson, Frances Rapport, Lukas Hofstaetter, Lisa Todd
‘Look after me too’: A qualitative exploration of the Adoptive Parent Experience (APEx)
Charmaine Kohn-Willbridge
Effectiveness of group music therapy to improve parent-child outcomes in vulnerable families
Julia Oreopoulos, Lorna Berry, Kate Williams, Cathy Nielson, Sally Savage
Parenting challenges – What parents revealed and insights into appropriate support
Sebastian Trew, Daryl Higgins, Jacqui Stewart
Digital age parenting: Parents’ concerns about children’s use of electronic devices
Catherine Wade, Jan Matthews, Alex Almendingen
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